
According to Boston Consulting Group (BCG), a mere 22% of telecom companies have successfully executed a digital transformation initiative. That slice lags the cross-industry average of 35%. The low success rate "presents real risks of declining revenue growth and disruption by digital players.

Our goals & objectives


Help securely Open and Monetize Everything


Accelerate API-led Innovation and Modernization leveraging TM Forum Open API Program


Support Service Innovation and convergence with a revamped talent for digital


Enable a connected industry orchestrator Paradigm, selling full connected industry solutions

telecommunication Themes

Digital Company Digital Company

Operators are pivoting to a Digital business model, shifting from traditional operating methods to digital platforms

Zero Touch Service Model Zero Touch Service Model

Operators move aggressively toward simplified product- and service-agreement portfolios, supported by fully automated, AI-enabled, cloud-based processes

Edge Marketplace Edge Marketplace

To monetize service creation at the edge Operators are consolidating APIs and presenting unified access to the API framework for both Internal and 3rd party developers

Integrated Ecosystem Integrated Ecosystem

Edge applications and services across all industries are poised to deliver innovative new value by bringing cloud scale compute power and AI to the data anywhere

Closed Loop Systemsty Closed Loop Systems

Operators are leveraging AI/ML and process mining to predict and anticipate problems using algorithms that enables to fix issues before they adversely impact customers

Business Model Innovation Business Model Innovation

Operators are building portfolios of digital service businesses that not only drive new revenue but also reinforce the core business

Service Innovation Service Innovation

Service Innovation across channels and segments through API-Led Integration to augment enhanced X-as-a-Service across hardware, software and services

Digital Native Customer Digital Native Customer Experience

Focus on designing entirely new digital experiences robust enough to be customers’ first port of call

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