banking & financial services

Today, most consumers still have a disjointed experience. They hold several bank accounts with different financial institutions because one offers great savings plans and another has instant free money transfers for checking accounts. Then that’s topped with several FinTech apps — for, say, investing, personal finance management, and credit score tracking. But those FinTech apps, once complementary, are now secured a front-row spot with consumers. Their offerings have grown more mature, covering a wider spectrum of financial needs customers have at different life stages.

Our goals & objectives


Support movement towards Open Finance, with the incremental growth of a wider ecosystem enabled by an Open Banking foundation


Enable APIs layering services on top of a Bank’s existing core competency to facilitate participation in the wider Fintech ecosystem


Help deliver insurgent business models exposing existing functionalities as bundle-ready digital building blocks to deliver innovative and personalized products to customers


Bring underserved high-risk demographic under the financial services spectrum

banking & financial services Themes

Speed of Service Innovation Speed of Service Innovation

Fast & Resilient Back-End Operations with an ability to launch new functionalities such as peer-to-peer payments, loyalty programs, dynamic pricing, open online communities, etc.

Open Banking Open Banking

Commercialize service based models leveraging AI-Powered actionable data integrated with Product and Service Strategy across a growing ecosystem and channels

Corporate Product Innovation Corporate Product Innovation

Seamless data exchange powered by API allowing Multi-Bank Account Aggregation, Instant Payment/Instant Liquidity, enhanced Treasury Management & Operations.

Data Driven Ecosystem Data Driven Ecosystem

In the race for Customer retention and loyalty, a Data-Driven ecosystem paves the way to not only understand Customers' needs but also serve them better

Hyper-Segmentation Hyper-Segmentation

Focus on delivering real-time hyper relevant and personalized customer interactions leveraging data to generate insights and provide a better customer experience and tailored services

Business Model Innovation Business Model Innovation

Collaborate with a curated ecosystem partners to create targeted experiences

Beyond Banking Beyond Banking

Gaining Customer Banking platform adoption for services beyond banking across six daily finance needs: Spending better, Managing personal finance, Paying, Borrowing, Protecting and Accessing lifestyle services

Service Delivery Innovation Service Delivery Innovation

Service delivery Innovation across channels and segments through API-Led Integration to augment enhanced banking-as-a-service capability delivering a frictionless digital customer experience

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