
Driven by shared mobility, connectivity services, and feature upgrades, new business models would expand Automotive revenue pools, with a more complex and diversified mobility-industry forcing incumbent players to compete on multiple fronts and integrate with a growing ecosystem.

Our goals & objectives


Meeting the Integration Challenges of the Connected Car Ecosystem and Maximizing Customer Engagement


Help deliver ANYWHERE, ANYTIME DRIVER-TO-CAR connected experience


Optimize Routes, Fuel Economy and Maintenance


Support a new future mobility ecosystem based on diverse mobility, autonomous driving, electrification, and connectivity

automotive Themes

Connected Car Experience Connected Car Experience

Connectivity & subscription management creates new business models to monetize everything around the car

Digital Supply Chain Digital Supply Chain

Digital and data-driven operations to underpin successful collaboration between suppliers, OEMs & customers exchanging data and enhancing supply planning

Sharing Economy Sharing Economy

Sharing economy enhances profitability of traditional models by adopting dynamic models according to real-time demand-supply scenarios

Integrated Ecosystem Integrated Ecosystem

Integrated value-chain will enable real-time data-based efficiency, failure prevention, enhanced capacity management, and flexible production in-plant and across plants

Connected Visibility Connected Visibility

Allows for real-time planning, backed by real-time demand sensitivity, control over opportunity cost in the market, and greater visibility across business functions

Business Model Innovation Business Model Innovation

Businesses Move Beyond the Single Purchase Model

Augmented Reality Augmented Reality

AR enables seamless connections between the physical, digital and human worlds

Digital Twin Digital Twin

Digital Twins increase fidelity and are powerful when integrated into IoT, Augmented Reality and Digital thread through integration of Product Life cycle and design

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