smart city

The U.N. estimates that two-thirds of the world’s population will live in cities by 2050. As cities grow, public systems such as utilities, housing and transportation are strained, underscoring the need for data-backed infrastructure to serve more people.

Our goals & objectives


Accelerate ability to design, plan, operationalize & assure new smart city market opportunities through insights, practices and tangible assets enabling a structured, scalable approach to pivoting and commercializing new services


Empower community leaders and other smart city stakeholders, such as research institutions, entrepreneurs and advocacy groups with access to datasets to make informed decisions and build collaborative projects across sectors


Enable ease of partnering and forge relationships across city organizations which will provide validation, co-innovation and partnering opportunities


Enhance the city performance and the wellbeing of the Citizens

smart city Themes

Smart Mobility Smart Mobility

Smart mobility leverages technology to enable people and various forms of transport to function in more efficient, resilient, and sustainable ways

Digital Citizen Digital Citizen

Inclusive services provide equal rights to civic participation, citizen engagement, collaborative community and access to healthcare and education

Public Safety & Security Public Safety & Security

Big data and AI facilitate the deployment of critical city solutions such as surveillance systems, smart streetlights, real-time crime mapping, and predictive policing

Energy Sustainability Energy Sustainability

Interconnected, reliable, efficient, and environmentally-friendly energy options is one of the main goals of smart cities

eGovernance eGovernance

Digital services, such as online voting, digital passports, and robust data security tools, encourage citizen participation and lead to the expansion of e-democracy

Green Urban Planning Green Urban Planning

Sustainable urban design that creates eco-friendly cities that cut waste and emissions, use sustainable construction materials, and promote electrified mobility.

Advanced Waste Management Advanced Waste Management

Advanced waste management systems utilize IoT sensors to accurately monitor waste disposal, notify residents about their consumption, and encourage them with monetary rewards

Smart Building Smart Building

Technologies such as digital twins, smart sensors, and cloud computing enable real-time monitoring, energy usage forecasting, security risk detection, and expense optimization

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